Life Lately: Manila, Dating, and Recent Thoughts

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It is the weekend again, and I am here on my bed with my laptop, trying to write some posts which I have been meaning to publish for a few months now. But unfortunately, I have failed. Again.

To make up for my shortcomings and because I'm really feeling guilty for neglecting this blog, I am doing this Life Lately post for the first time -- to just keep you, guys, updated on what's happening with my life (not that it's interesting haha).

So, now that we are clear that I have not fallen off of the face of the blogging world yet, let's get this started!


Despite all the shit that's been happening with our country, I still always find myself longing for Manila. So every time there's a chance to go home, I will not hesitate to book a flight, even for just a short weekend.Last month, I flew to Manila to celebrate my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. We spent the weekend at Ascott BGC. We didn't mention that we were celebrating something when we checked in but surprisingly, we were upgraded to a 3-room suite!

Ahhh... I miss Manila already. I am flying home again next month for my sister's graduation, can't wait! I am also planning to meet Patricia of The Modern Day Doll, the lucky girl who won my giveaway. We've been tweeting each other for some time since the giveaway, and we're basically buddies now hehe. Since my home in the PH is very near to her home, we're planning to meet! I hope it pushes through, and I'll definitely blog about it!


Also last month, my boyfriend flew to Singapore, not for a holiday, but to actually try his luck for a job here. We realised long distance relationship is not fun anymore, so he packed his bags, quit his job, and left Manila. As I write this entry, he's already back home because unfortunately, his 30-day social visit pass is up. But also luckily, he got a job offer before it ended, and now he's just waiting for his employment pass to get approved. We're keeping our fingers crossed, and hoping he'll be able to come here soon so we can be together and start his job.

Anyway, since he was here for a month, we were able to spend quality time, just like the old times. We went out for dinner dates, visited museums, and basically enjoyed each other's company.

Recent Thoughts

Okay, I just have to say this... Though I haven't been updating my blog that much, I am still active in social media, especially on Twitter. Recently, I have been reading lots of tweets about how blogs should be and shouldn't be; how blogs now have become "un-personal" and an income-generating platform; and many other opinions which I don't understand. Our society has cruel standards already, we should spare the blogging world and make it a place where everyone is accepted.

Last time I checked, there are no rules in blogging. As long as you enjoy it, you are passionate about, then nothing should matter. I just hope bloggers will welcome all bloggers regardless on how they run their blogs. We should not bring each other down, and make others feel inferior just because they have different takes in blogging. Peace! 😇

Another thought that has been going around my head for a while now is about my future, career-wise. Have you ever doubted yourself on the career path you have chosen? Because I think I am. I don't think I am bad with what I do, I actually enjoy it somehow, despite the stress and pressure. But I also think I am not good enough, and it's killing me, figuratively. I think this is what they call the 'quarter-life crisis'. I am turning 25 soon, so it's very timely LOL. But I am all good for now, so no worries.

That's all, end of my thoughts. 😜


Happy weekend, everyone! Anyway, I won't promise anything, but I'll try my best to continue my Japan series posts which have been sitting in my drafts for months now. I am trying, really.

See you then!

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