Life Lately: I’m Still Alive!

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I am deeply sorry for being MIA these past few months. It has been six months since my last post. I wish I could say a lot has been going on in my life lately, but no, I am just lazy and unmotivated to write anything. Although, I have been travelling a lot. I actually just got back from a one week trip to Taiwan last week. I also went to China in November; Malaysia in December; and I went home to Manila twice in the last two months. Well, I guess, I have some excuse after all. Anyway, I hope I can write and share my travels to these places here on my blog. But my backlogs are endless, I am not even finished writing my Cambodia-Thailand trip. Worse, I even have pending posts to finish about my Japan trip! I went there November 2016!

On another note, my blog turned 2 years old last month! Despite being inactive, I’m so happy about this milestone! If you guys remember, I started this blog out of sheer boredom, and now, here we are. I won’t promise anything, but I will try my best to update this blog regularly. Hopefully, I won’t be MIA like this again.

If you guys are not bored reading yet, I have some things to share about my personal life. First of all, Kevin and I celebrated our 5th year anniversary last January. Honestly, until now, I still can’t believe we’ve been together for five freaking years already. Time flies, but I love every minute of it. Our relationship has been much, much better after he moved here. We flew to Kuala Lumpur for a weekend to celebrate. We dined in at an actual fine-dining restaurant, and splurged around $400 dollars for a five-course meal. After that meal, we realised we are not a fancy restaurant-eating couple. Though the vibes were classy, romantic and all — the beautiful Petronas Twin Towers and basically, KL’s skyline are right in front of us while we were having our dinner — ridiculous small portions of food are not really for us. And for the price, no! I could have bought a new bag! Lol.

Moving on, another thing to share is I have stepped up on this adulting thing — I bought a condo unit in Taguig. Kevin has been really interested in all things investments lately, and this is one of the many. We attended a seminar about real estate, and it was really enticing and solid, so I also invested. As for the money saving part, I am still working on it. For the past six years that I have been working (that long already?! I’m so old!!!), I just kept spending and spending, so I am going to change that this year. Don’t be like me, kids. Lol. And wish me luck!

This is very random and unimportant, but I also want to share that I have finally jumped on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. Better late than never, right? And believe it or not, I watched seasons one to seven for only two and a half weeks! I have sacrificed a lot of my sleep during those weeks, but it was well worth it. I'm crazy.

So yeah, I think that's about it. Ciao! See you on my next posts!

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