Life Lately: Checking In + Blog Updates
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Hello! I called in sick today, and I’m bored, so I thought I would write something.
I noticed lately that most of my blogger friends and acquaintances have underwent hiatus or stopped blogging entirely. It’s quite sad but I don’t blame them, though. I, myself, can’t even be consistent in posting, and I have endless backlogs that I want to write. Life gets in the way, and we are adults now so blogging cannot be a priority anymore (well, unless blogging is your work, I guess). Also, the vlogging industry has taken over, and most of the audience would rather watch a vlog than read a lengthy blog post. It’s just more convenient. So bloggers are now doing more vlogging. I can never see myself dabble on that, though. I am too awkward in front of the camera, and I don’t have the patience to edit videos. Despite all these, I will continue blogging. I have come to terms with the idea that I am blogging for myself only and not for money, SEO, and engagements. That’s why I don’t really care if no one reads or comments on my posts. I also don’t pressure myself anymore when I have not posted in a while because I know I will always come back, and I will not abandon and shut down this blog. I cherish this blog so much because it holds so much memories. It feels so good to read back and reminisce. Even my boyfriend pays a visit once in a while to read posts about our past travels.
Anyway, if you came from, and you haven’t noticed yet, you have been redirected to Same blog, different domain. One day, I received a notification that my hosting plan and domain registration both need renewal. I suddenly had urges to buy a new domain and to move to Squarespace. I wanted to change my theme for the longest time as I am getting tired of it already, but I cannot find a Wordpress theme that I like. So I signed up for a trial on Squarespace, tried importing my blog, and now, here we are. Squarespace is quite expensive, though, but everything that I need is already provided, so it’s still okay. What do you think of my brand new blog?
On a different note, I have been attending a few concerts lately. I saw Maroon 5 last March, and Ed Sheeran just last month. I will blog these soon! I will also see Westlife perform in August. I’m so excited! It’s weird that this year, I am into concerts more than travelling. But I went for a trip to Hong Kong with my family last March. I shared some photos from our SweetEscape session in Hong Kong Disneyland, if you haven’t seen it. I have also flew home to Manila last month to attend a friend’s wedding, and next month, I’ll be flying home again to attend another wedding. I tell you, this year for my circle of friends has been all about engagements, weddings, and babies!
Have you been watching the last season of Game of Thrones? Since the first episode premiered a few weeks ago, I have been impatiently waiting for Monday mornings. I think this is the first time that I am happy for Mondays to come. It’s really sad that it’s ending. But lately, the episodes have been letdowns. The writing sucks and it’s apparent that they have rushed it (*cough* new Star Wars *cough*). The epic and detailed storytelling have been reduced to a lazy and unintelligent one which clearly butchered almost all the characters’ developments (except for Theon, he’s a good man). Almost a decade of character development, all went out of the window! Even the continuity of the plot, characters, and places have not been maintained (the herd of Dothraki have suddenly resurrected, seriously?). It’s really disappointing. The final episode will be in a few days time, and despite all these lapses, I still have a very tiny hope that they can end it the way it deserves to end and of course, we, the fans, deserve to watch. Who do you think will sit on the Iron Throne? I am with Jon Snow since he is the rightful heir and he has the biggest claim, but he doesn’t like the power, so I think he will give it to Gendry. It may seem like a stretch because he is a bastard, but he’s a Baratheon after all. I like Gendry. And Arya. Them. Together.
Sorry for the random mention of Game of Thrones. Lol.
Well, that’s all for me! I shall see you on my next post.
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